Truth Is Not The Enemy

I am continually amazed at the adverse relationship people have with truth. People rarely like to hear the truth about themselves or about a truth that exposes the falsehood of their views on any number of topics. Truth divides. Truth exposes lies and falsehood. Truth keeps us accountable to something other than our own opinions. Truth gives us a benchmark by…

Become The Righteousness of God

By itself, the phrase “become the righteousness of God” sounds very… lofty, almost blasphemous. Sort of sounds like a way to become your own god or as powerful as God. Yet, to many people this sounds quite appealing. Sounds like an avenue for exalting and bettering one’s greatness. However, put it in the Biblical context: “For…

Opposite of Anxious

I deal with anxiety daily. So, I’m always curious when believers talk about the subject. Can you relate? I’m well aware that Christians should not be anxious. Says so in Philippians 4:6 – “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”…

Repentance Matters Deeply

Repentance is not a shameful, legalistic thing that only religious people do. Often we repent to friends, family, spouse, neighbors, and strangers. However, for many of us, we resist repentance because we hate admitting we are wrong. We struggle to muster up the humility and courage to admit something was our fault; that we are responsible. However,…

Money is Earthly Currency

Do you find yourself relying on money for happiness? Does money seem like the ultimate difference maker in your life? Do you plan your life around getting/having/using money? Well, the Bible says you’re doing it wrong. However, there is a great and glorious right way to deal with money. In a recent devotional titled, “What…