Repentance Matters Deeply

Repentance is not a shameful, legalistic thing that only religious people do. Often we repent to friends, family, spouse, neighbors, and strangers. However, for many of us, we resist repentance because we hate admitting we are wrong. We struggle to muster up the humility and courage to admit something was our fault; that we are responsible. However,…

Forgiveness Because Jesus

I read a devotion this morning about forgiveness by John Piper. It caught my attention and was convicting. No doubt, God alone reveals my anger and bitterness toward my trespassers. And in my flesh I long for justice against those people. Regardless of whether they are believers or not, strangers, friends, family, or spouse, I…

God’s Capacity for Forgiveness

I’m learning. It’s hard. I’m slow to forgive, quick to anger and capacity to forgive is small. Well, most of the time. But like I said, I’m learning. God is different. This isn’t a surprise, but somehow this morning I realized this to a greater degree. If a kid comes running to his/her parent, daily,…

Through God’s Eyes

My view of the world is desperately limited. How I view others is typically limited as well. If I only saw people through my perspective, I would continue to miss the truth of each person and judge them poorly. Thus, I would never shared God’s love for them. God constantly sees us differently that we see each other.…